Merging duplicate party records

To help with keeping RMS records accurate, duplicate party records need to be identified so that a Ministry system administrator can merge the records.


  1. When you first see the potential duplicate records check two things:

    • Note the party ID of each record – you will need this later.
    • Look at each record to see which one should be kept (generally the record with the least information should be removed). Consider:
      • Has the funding test been completed for the party?
      • Is the party associated with a dispute in RMS?
      • Has the party received a FLAS activity?
      • Has the party received any FDR services?
      • Has the party completed PTS?
    Screenshot of RMS
  2. Select the Merge button on the top right side of the screen.

    Screenshot of RMS
  3. In the From section, search (by clicking the Search button) for the record you believe should be removed.

    Screenshot of RMS
  4. In the To section, search for the record you believe should be kept.

  5. Once you are sure you have selected the correct parties select the Notify Administrator button.

    Screenshot of RMS