More RMS information and help
Before you seek additional RMS help, make sure you check the online process tool first. For additional help, use the information below.
- RMS Support:
- 0800 774 418 or email
Use this contact phone number or email when:
- you need additional help that isn’t covered in this tool
- you’ve searched for a party and there are multiple matches, and you’re not sure which one is the party you are dealing with.
- General Legal Aid enquiries:
- 0800 2 LEGAL AID (0800 253 425)
Request a change to a record
Sometimes you may need a Ministry system administrator's help with updating a record that you can no longer update yourself, for example:
- merging duplicate disputes
- correcting information in an event
- removing a child from a dispute.
For these types of requests, email, including:
- a description of your request (don't include full party or dispute names)
- the reason for your request
- all relevant RMS reference numbers (for example, party ID, dispute ID, event ID, course ID).