Update a party (and confirm funding eligibility)


Verifying identity

The first time you meet with the party you should ideally view their identification and update their party record to show that their identity has been confirmed. This is not required, but it's recommended that you do so in order to make sure you have the correct spelling of the name and date of birth.

Forms of identification include e.g.:


  1. Complete the funding declaration form with the party present and sign the form together.

  2. In the party's record, select the Edit button. Enter the funding details in the Funding Evidence Verification section and other sections as appropriate.

    Screenshot of RMS
  3. Select the Save button.

    Key points!

    • You can only update parties who are linked to you (either you created the party record or you are the provider of the FLAS service).
    • If you are updating the Party at risk indicator, you do not need to select the 'Edit' button. Select the tick box and RMS will ask you to confirm whether you want to hide their contact details. If the party is no longer at risk, you will need to contact RMS Support to update the party record.
    • The date validated is the date on which you viewed the party's proof of identity (if applicable). If the party has already seen another FLAS or Family Dispute Resolution provider, their identity may already be validated in RMS.
    • The start date for the funding section is the same day as the funding eligibility assessment was completed by you (or another FLAS or FDR provider).

What next?

Once you have updated the party, you can add them to a dispute.