Update an event


You may need to update the event for a range of reasons. For example:

Key point!

Some fields can’t be updated, such as the type of service being provided.


  1. Search for an event by locating the dispute that the event relates to.

  2. Open the event from the dispute by clicking on the event ID link.

  3. Select the Edit button and update the details.

    Screenshot of RMS
  4. Select the Save button.

    Key points!

    • Leave the event status as 'Current' until all information has been added to the record and the service has been delivered.
    • To ensure payments are processed correctly, you need to ensure any travel and interpreter disbursements claimed are those as specified in the Family Legal Advice Service (FLAS) Operational Policy.
    Screenshot of RMS

What next?

Once you have delivered the service and all information is loaded in the event, you need to finalise the event.