Create a party



  1. Always collect information and perform initial party checks and search for a party before you create a party.

    Key point!

    You must only create a party record in RMS once they have agreed to participate in FDR services.

  2. In the navigation pane under Persons, select Parties.

    Screenshot of RMS
  3. Select the New Party button at the top left-hand side.

    Screenshot of RMS
  4. Enter the party details into the relevant fields. The mandatory fields are First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Client Privacy Consent, at least one phone number, and Region.

    Key points!

    • RMS pre-populates forms and certificates with the party’s name. It is important to enter the party’s name exactly as it should appear on their certificate or forms, using their legal name. However, in some cases you can put an alternative name within brackets, e.g. if the party's legal name is Chinese but they normally use their English name.
    • You must use the calendar when entering the date of birth (you can’t type the date in). Click the calendar icon to open it.
    • If you believe that the party is at risk, you should select the Party at Risk flag. This will result in the party’s contact details, such as their email address, phone numbers, physical addresses, and aliases, being hidden from view by all users except the Ministry’s system administrators.
    Screenshot of RMS
  5. The Generate Privacy Statement link opens the privacy statement as a PDF document. This statement must be read or provided to the party before collecting and recording their information.


    The privacy statement is also available in the party record once the record is saved.

  6. Select the Save button. The new party record will open automatically once saved.

    Key points!

    • To avoid creating a duplicate party record, RMS will display a warning message if the first name, surname, and date of birth of any party in RMS matches the details that you’re entering.
    • If you have not completed all the mandatory fields RMS will display a warning message and will return you to the New Party window to complete the missing details.

What next?

Once you have created the party, you can add them to a dispute or event, or update their details.