Create an event


When you provide services to a party you must create them as events on the dispute record, so that there is a record of the party accessing these services and payment can be processed.


  1. Search for the dispute that the event relates to.

  2. In the dispute record, select the Create Event button.

    Screenshot of RMS
  3. Enter the:

    • type of event - Family Legal Advice Service (FLAS)
    • type of service provided (initial advice or court entry forms)
    • location where the event took place
    • party who has received FLAS
    • lead provider approved by the Ministry to deliver the service
    • task start date and time, when the service was provided
    • (optional) travel and interpreter disbursements, if appropriate.

    Key points!

    • Leave the event status as 'Current' until all information has been added to the record and the service has been delivered.
    • To ensure payments are processed correctly you need to ensure only travel and interpreter disbursements are claimed, as specified in the Family Legal Advice Service Operational Policy.
    Screenshot of RMS
  4. Select the Save button.

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